Meet the Automotive Technology faculty members.
Jim DellotProfessor
Jim Dellot拥有菲奇堡州立大学职业教育学士学位, 菲奇堡州立大学职业教育管理硕士学位, 麻省大学波士顿分校教育设计硕士学位, 波士顿富兰克林澳门正规十大娱乐网站的汽车技术熟练证书. He is an ASE Certified Automotive Technician; ASE Certified L-1 Advanced Level Engine Performance.
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
Mark Campbell
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William HansAssistant Professor
William Hans在汽车服务行业拥有超过30年的经验. 他毕业于新泽西州联合市林肯技术澳门正规十大娱乐网站. 他在各种专业环境中都有经验, including 15 years in an independent service station, 拥有/经营自己的汽车维修业务7年, and 11 years in an Audi dealership. Before relocating to Boston from New Jersey, 他在过去的五年里一直在一家私人欧洲汽车运动店工作. 自1987年以来,他一直是认证的ASE主技术员,并持有排放维修技术员和认证奥迪主技术员的额外认证.
他在之前的职位上担任过导师和团队负责人,现在他在本澳门十大娱乐网址大全(Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology)专注于培训新技术人员. 他希望结合实践培训来补充课程材料,特别喜欢在澳门正规十大娱乐网站的汽车车间直接与学生一起工作.
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
Edward Mackness
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Evan ManciniAssistant Professor
Evan Mancini拥有本杰明富兰克林理工澳门正规十大娱乐网站(现为富兰克林卡明斯理工澳门正规十大娱乐网站)汽车技术副学士学位。. He achieved the highest written test score, 2017年在全州范围内与马萨诸塞州汽车经销商协会的竞争中获得第二名. 他还于2017年6月被Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School授予最高机械能力. Evan在捷豹路虎汽车行业工作了四年,曾是马自达的高级技术人员.
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
Margaret O’NeillInstructor
Margaret O 'Neill拥有密尔沃基马凯特大学(Marquette University)的电气工程学士学位, Wisconsin. 她拥有超过40年的汽车工程和技术经验,曾在Delco电子部门担任工程职位, Pontiac Motor Division, and CPC Division of General Motors Corporation. 她还曾在福特汽车公司担任可靠性和可维护性工程师. 她在麻省理工澳门正规十大娱乐网站教授电气和电子以及汽车理论. 马萨诸塞社区澳门正规十大娱乐网站和民兵技术澳门正规十大娱乐网站.
她从大学时代起就是汽车工程师协会的成员, along with the Society of Women Engineers. 她曾与新罕布什尔州CTE合作,鼓励初高中女性从事stem相关领域. 她曾是NACAT汽车教育项目中女性待遇的讲师.
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
Bill O'NeillInstructor
Bill O 'Neill毕业于本澳门十大娱乐网址大全汽车技术专业. 他在通用汽车担任高级服务和可靠性工程师,在汽车行业有25年的经验, Chrysler, and Ford in Detroit, Michigan. 他还拥有30年的计算机行业经验,担任微软网络工程师. 他的汽车经验还包括在服务领域担任技术员, 获得了雪佛兰和福特的高级技术员身份. 他之前的汽车教学经验包括布莱顿高中, General Motors Training Centers, Benjamin Franklin Institute, and Minuteman Technical Institute.
他是波士顿地区第一批ASE技术大师之一,在重型卡车和柴油发动机服务以及电动汽车技术方面拥有丰富的经验. 他就读于东北大学土木工程专业, 弗雷明汉州立大学的中学教育历史专业, 他拥有洛杉矶西太平洋大学的机械工程学位, CA.
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
Curt RaposaInstructor
Curt Raposa是现代汽车美国公司和福特汽车公司的认证技术大师. He has a wide variety of automotive knowledge, 包括所有汽车系统的高级诊断, diesel technology, as well as hybrid and electric vehicles. 他喜欢教新生如何在课堂和汽车领域出类拔萃. 他把自己30年的汽车行业经验带到课堂上,为学生们提供“第一次就把它修好”的知识.”
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
John TortelliInstructor
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Don TuffAssociate Professor
Master’s of Education from Cambridge College. ASE Certified Automotive Technician; Charter Member of SAE
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- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
Frank TuminelliLecturer
Certificate in Vocational Education from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; ASE Certified Automotive Technician
- Email :
- Office :Union Building, Automotive Lab
- Majors and Concentrations
- Automotive Technology – Certificate/AS
- Biotechnology – AS
- Building Energy Management – AS Concentration
- Business Management – BS
- Construction Management – AS
- Cybersecurity – AS Concentration
- Electric Vehicle Technology – AS Concentration
- Electrical Engineering – BS
- Engineering Technology – AS
- General Education Core
- HVAC&R Technology – Certificate
- 工业电子技术-证书/AS途径
- Mechatronics Technology – AS Concentration
- Opticianry – AS
- Practical Electricity – Certificate
- Renewable Energy Technology – AS Concentration
- Automotive
- Biotechnology
- Construction and the Trades
- Engineering
- Eye Care
- Information Technology
- Continuing Education and Workforce Programs
- Center for Energy Efficiency and the Trades
- Prison Education and Reentry Programs
- Library Services
- Textbook List
- Academic Calendar
- Registrar
- Course Catalog
- Meet the Academic Affairs Team